
Year 4

Welcome To Year 4

Miss Amy Bond

Teacher 4B

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope that you had a wonderful summer! I am really looking forward to working with you and your child this year.

The ‘Getting to Know You’ meeting will be on Tuesday 1st October at 9am in the studio.


At the beginning of the year children will be given a reading book at their appropriate level. They can then take this book home and return it to school when they have finished it. We recommend that children read for at least 10-15 minutes each day and you and your child can record what they have read in their reading records which will need to be in school every day.

In Year 4, our first class readers will be Our class is a family by Shannon Olsen, Planet Omar: Accidental Trouble Magnet by Zanib Mian and Zombierella by Joseph Coelho, which will be linked to our English.

 Home Learning 

Reading confidently helps children to access all areas of the curriculum, and we encourage them to read for around 10-15 minutes per day. This could be reading the book we have sent home with your child or a book you choose to read to them. Anything which sparks their love for reading is valuable!

Children will be set weekly spelling homework for a spelling quiz the following week. The words will consist of the Year 3/4 statutory words and key vocabulary related to our current topics or grammar focus for the week. You will notice that the weekly grid will revisit and build upon the Year 3/4 statutory words from previous weeks to help embed these spellings. Spellings will be sent home Thursdays for a test on the following Wednesday.

In addition, children will be expected to practise times tables facts and will have access to Times Tables Rock Stars.

In Year 4, I encourage children to reflect upon the concepts taught in class by producing work in a creative manner. Children will receive a home learning grid at the start of every half term which includes a range of activities to complete. Although the activities are optional, I do encourage the children to complete as many as they can. The home learning grid for Autumn 1 will be sent home in their home learning books. As the year progresses, home learning linked to other taught concepts such as maths and grammar will be sent home for consolidation. 


Please note P.E. days for Year 4 are Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Children should come to school wearing their P.E. kits and trainers on these days and will remain in these all day. A reminder that if children are wearing earrings these should only be studs and not hoops. Stud earrings will be covered with tape during PE lessons for safety. Long hair must be always tied up including during PE.

In case children need to change out of their PE shoes due to wet weather, I would like them to bring a spare pair of shoes (these do not need to be school shoes) and socks in a labelled bag. These may be kept at school or brought in on PE days only.

Updates and Reminders

Morning Routine

The school gates open at 8.35am. Children can come straight into the classroom, and we request that adults leave the site promptly.

Class Representatives

Each class normally has two or three class reps that will take the lead in organising school events, if you would like to be a class rep please come and see myself. 


Children may choose to bring their own fruit/vegetable snack which can be eaten during morning break. Please remember that we are a healthy and nut free school.


Please ensure that the office have any relevant medication, and that this medication is up to date.

I hope your child will find their time in Year 4 both exciting and rewarding. If you have any issues or concerns about your child do not hesitate to contact myself.

Thank you in advance for all your support in the year ahead!

The Year 4 Team,

Ms. Bond