
Year 4

Welcome To Year 4

Miss Amy Bond

Teacher 4B

Dear parents and carers,

 Welcome to the spring term where we look forward to the continuing partnerships between home and school.


Our goal is to create confident, fluent, independent readers. We prioritise reading at Nelson School and have carefully chosen the texts your child will study this term.

In English this term, we will be continuing with The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. We will also be reading Arthur and the Golden Rope by Joe Todd Stanton.    

Curriculum Highlights

This term, in History our topic is ‘Invaders and Settlers’ where we will look at the time of Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. In Science, we will investigate states of matter and how they change. In Design & Technology, we will be making torches following our electricity topic from last term. 

You can find out more information about the spring term learning by looking at the overview.

Updates and reminders

Morning routine – School gates open at 8.35am and children need to be in the classroom by 8.40am.

Snacks – Children may choose to bring their own fruit/vegetable snack which can be eaten during morning break. Please remember we are a nut free and healthy school.

PE – Please note that the PE days for Year 4 will continue Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We will be doing dance so children should be wearing the correct trainers. A reminder that if children are wearing earrings these should only be studs and not hoops. Stud earrings will be covered with tape during PE lessons for safety. Long hair must be tied up at all times including during PE.  In case children need to change out of their PE shoes due to wet weather, we would like them to bring a spare pair of shoes (these do not need to be school shoes) and socks in a labelled bag. These may be kept at school or brought in on PE days only. Hoodies should also only be worn on PE days or as an extra layer for playtime.

Medication – Please ensure your child’s teacher has any relevant medication and that this medication is up to date.

Key dates

4B Cake Sale

Friday 17th January

Viking Workshop    

Tuesday 4th February

Class Assembly 2.30pm

Friday 14th February

World Book Day

Thursday 6th March

Science Week

Week of Monday 10th March


(Mosque Trip to be confirmed)

 Thank you in advance for all of your support in the year ahead.

Kind regards,

 The Year 4 Team,

Miss. Bond