Sabreena Bhawon
Teacher 3B
Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope that you had a wonderful summer. We are really looking forward to working with you and your child this year.
Our goal is to create confident, fluent, independent readers. We prioritise reading at Nelson School and have carefully chosen the texts your child will study this term.
Our first class reader will be The Boy Who Grew Dragons by Andy Shepherd. In English we will be reading How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth by Michelle Robinson and in our Guided Reading sessions, we will start by looking at the poem The Sound Collector by Roger McGough.
At the beginning of the year, children will be given a reading book at their appropriate level. They can then take this book home and return it to school when they have finished it. We will also visit the school library on Thursdays where children can select a book of interest to them. We recommend that children read for at least 10-15 minutes each night and you and your child can record what they have read in their reading records. Discussing your child’s reading with them is important and comprehension continues to be a focus in Year 3.