Miss Erin Smith
Teacher 1S
Miss Nicola Bryant
Teaching Assistant
Dear Year One parents and families,
I hope you have all had a lovely summer and that you are now looking forward to the exciting school year ahead. I am looking forward to getting to know you and working together to ensure that we have a very happy and productive year. I hope that you all enjoy the new experiences and challenges that Year 1 has to offer.
Transition from Reception to Year 1
Our aim is to ensure that every child experiences a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage to Key Stage One. The Year 1 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had in Reception. Children will be eased into more formal learning throughout year one so that they remain motivated, enthused and eager learners. Please don’t hesitate to speak to us if you have any questions or queries.
‘Get to Know You’ Meeting
An email about the date for the ‘Get to Know You’ meeting will be sent out soon. You will be given information about class routines, the curriculum and teaching strategies. The meeting will be held on 26th Sept 2.30pm.
In Year 1 the aim is to ensure that your child’s curriculum develops key skills, encourages their creativity and embeds a joy of learning.
Star of the day/drop off
The school day begins at 8:40am, however the school gates will open at 8.35am to avoid congestion. Please say good-bye to your child and encourage them to come to the classroom doors independently.
Pick up
The end of the day is at 3.10pm, but the gates will be open at 3.05pm. Children will not be permitted to leave until a parent, or another authorised adult is identified. If you have arranged for your child to be collected by another adult, please let myself/office know via phone or diary.
Class Representatives
Parents who volunteer to be class reps create an important link between the teachers and parents. Please let me know if you are interested in supporting us a class representative this year. We would like two reps for 1S. Thank you!
Class Notice Boards
Each class has its own notice board for messages. If you wish to post a notice, please first show it to myself or another member of the year one team. Information of immediate interest to all parents is written on the white board at the pedestrian entrance.
P.E. Kit
Children will come to school dressed in their PE kit and remain in them throughout the day on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Children will need the appropriate PE kit. Please name all items and check that their trainers fit.
Reading in Year 1
Year 1 is an exciting year in your child’s reading development as this is where they start to become increasingly confident and independent readers. Regular reading at home with an adult is vitally important at this time to practice and develop key reading skills.
Each child will be given Little Wandle reading books from Monday to Friday, a library book every Thursday and a reading diary for reading at home. Please use the reading diary to record when your child reads with you at home. Whilst your child has been provided a specific reading book from school, please encourage them to also read any other reading material that interests them.
Book Bags
Every child needs a named book bag or rucksack. These need to come into school every day. These should only contain your child’s reading books, their reading diary and any key word sheets they may be given. If there are any letters to go home these will usually be put into their book bags so, please check.
Children will eat their school dinners or a packed lunch in the hall. Please ensure this is nut free.
Snack is provided by school. However, your child is more than welcome to bring in their own fruit/vegetable for snack. Please ensure your child brings the fruit/vegetable in a named and sealed container.
Water bottles
Water bottles are to be brought to school each day. Please remember to put your child’s name on the bottle, which should be brought home at the end of each day to be washed and refilled. Water bottles should not be inside bookbags to avoid leakage.
Some General Reminders…
Medication: Please ensure that the office has up-to-date information regarding medication for children to be administered at school.
Contact Address and Telephone Numbers: If you have moved recently or changed your home or mobile telephone number, please let the office staff know. It is important that we can contact you quickly if your child is unwell.
Parent helpers and DBS Clearance
Parent helpers are really appreciated throughout the school, from parent reading to supervising visits outside of school. As you can appreciate, we are only able to ask parents who have an up-to-date DBS form. Please speak to the office if you need to apply for clearance or if you are unsure whether your DBS form is up to date. Thank you.
Thank you for taking time to read the information in this letter. I look forward to working closely with you to ensure that your child’s year is a very happy and successful one. Best wishes from the Year 1 team.
Miss Smith (1S)