Miss Newman
Teacher 6N
Dear parents and carers,
Welcome back to the spring term when we look forward to a continuing partnership between home and school.
Our goal is to create confident, fluent, independent readers. We prioritise reading at Nelson School and have very carefully chosen the texts your child will study this term. We focus on word reading, and developing fluency, prosody and comprehension skills.
Reading is taught every day, and children encounter a wide range of material in these lessons. They read, discuss and write in response to the texts, and broaden their knowledge of literature and the wider world.
We will start the term reading There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom and then onto Letters from the Lighthouse as our class novels. We will also be reading Rose Blanche and will watch the short animation The Piano as a stimulus for writing, both of which support learning in our Second World War topic and provide opportunities for creative writing.
Curriculum Highlights
This term, children will be learning about the Second World War, electricity and dance. Our art/DT will be inspired by these topics, and we will also draw on the books we read together in class.
You can find out more information about the spring term learning by looking at the overviews and programmes of study on the website.
Updates and reminders
Morning routine: Please ensure your child arrives in school promptly for an 8.40 am start.
Snacks: Please provide fruit for your child to eat at break, and water.
Medication: Please ensure your child’s medical information is up-to-date.
Class reps: Thank you to class reps for your help in keeping everyone informed.
PE: Tuesday and Wednesday
Key dates
“We’ll Meet Again” WW2 workshop Wednesday 12th February – children are asked to come to school in WW2 costume.
6N assembly: Friday 28th February
World Book Day: Thursday 6th March
Thank you in advance for your continued support in the year ahead.
Kind regards,
Miss Newman